Update: “No Family Left Behind” COVID Emergency Meals


She’s my child.      She’s your child.      She’s our child.

In the Human Family we will all profit or pay for the way we care for our most vulnerable.

With COVID-19 crippling her paper-thin border economy – she needs us now more than ever.

Since May 1st Rancho Feliz has delivered 2,400 bags of food (45 tons) to the hungry in Agua Prieta.

This equals 57,000 meals!

$60,000 keeps this program alive for 6 more months.

It’s hard to do your schoolwork when you’re hungry.

It’s impossible to break the cycle of poverty when you’re uneducated.

We’ve each given to this Emergency Feeding Program and we ask that you join us.

We can do this!

Thank you!

Gil Gillenwater    Jim Armstrong    Kim Woodhouse


August 14th, 2020

Posted In: Emergency Response