Beginning in 1999, Rancho Feliz constructed a 3½ acre affordable housing community called “Vecinos Dignos sin Fronteras” (Worthy Neighbors without Borders). This visionary neighborhood houses approximately 150 people. It soon became apparent that the public school system was inadequate. Our Vecinos children were not realizing their full potential.
In answer to this challenge, Rancho Feliz formed an educational alliance with two fully accredited, private bi-lingual schools in Agua Prieta: Colegio Americano Anais for grades kindergarten through junior high and Colegio Benemerito de Las Americas for high school. The “Guardian Warrior” Private Scholarship Sponsor Program was born and now has expanded to offer scholarships to additional children living in the wider Agua Prieta community, who otherwise would not receive an education. Based on our growth and the need for these types of programs, we operate our scholarship programs utilizing sound business principles.
“Guardian Warrior” Scholarship Sponsors include individuals, families, and businesses. Upon becoming a sponsor, you will receive a photograph and biography of your scholarship student. Throughout the year, you will receive grade reports and periodic letters written in English by your child. Many of our sponsorships have developed into lasting international friendships.
This “Guardian Warrior” program averages 70 students per year. And the results are unprecedented. All Vecinos children now speak English and conduct their schoolwork on computers. Many have already graduated, attending higher education institutions in Mexico, Europe and the United States. Read More
This tax-deductible donation can be paid in one lump sum or in monthly installments.
For more information about students available for sponsorship, contact Program Director, Monica Gery at [email protected]
Many of our Vecinos students graduate from our “Guardian Warrior” high school scholarships and are eager to continue their education. Fortunately, the educational quality of state universities in Mexico is high. Our students are in programs such as engineering, education, business and nursing. In order to stay in the program, they are required to keep minimum grade point averages.
This tax-deductible donation, of $5,000/year for 4.5 years, can be paid in full or in monthly installments. This annual donation covers the yearly educational and living expenses for one college student. Sponsors receive photographs, biographies, grade reports and periodic correspondence written by the students in English. Many of our students and their sponsor have developed lasting international friendships.
University Scholarship recipients are required to fund an additional Rancho Feliz scholarship upon their graduation. This “Pay-It-Forward” program compounds your educational investment.
For a complete document outlining the program policies, volunteer requirement, parent participation, scholastic requirements, etc. follow this link: University Scholarship.
For more information about university students available for sponsorship, contact Program Director, Monica Gery at [email protected]
Bright Futures helps break down the many barriers Mexican girls face by supporting their education and personal growth, empowering them to live independent and joyful lives.
Statistics for girls in Mexico:
In addition to higher education scholarships, the Bright Futures program supports mental health in girls by fostering stability, resilience, and a sense of self-worth and belonging. This occurs through empowerment and wellness workshops, mentorship and role models, community service and access to a licensed psychologist. The program gives girls the opportunity to rise above systemic obstacles, fostering hope and a positive outlook on life. This shift in perspective significantly enhances mental health, paving the way for a brighter and more stable future.
Bright Futures high school scholarship investment is $1,000 per year for 3 years. Sponsorship includes invitation to special events (summit held every 3 years) and bi-annual update reports on the scholarship students. The summit weekend is held in Agua Prieta where sponsors will have the opportunity to meet the students and families.
Bright Futures University provides higher education scholarships to the Bright Futures high school students. This scholarship funds the tuition to two very reputable private and public universities in Agua Prieta. The financial support received will fund tuition, registration, books and other academic materials, along with ongoing mentorship and mental health resources, and weekly English classes. Upon becoming a sponsor you will receive a photo and personal letter from your student, along with grades and periodic communication.
We believe, and statistics confirm, that investing in girls is the most efficient development investment there is. It is estimated that:
For more information about students available for sponsorship, contact Program Director, Monica Gery at [email protected]
Leslie Wittmann, Volunteer Program Director
Larissa Velázquez, Clinical Psychologist and Psychotherapist
Monica Gery, Veronica Estrada, Marjorie Dixon, Ashlyn Dixon-Schaub, Sally Falkner, Lorenia Ley, Litay Villaescusa Romero, Marisela Estrada (Program Coordinator), Anet Villegas Del Angel, Lucy Quijada. Daniela, Patty Ortiz and Carmen Gomez (pictured above).
Educated people educate their children – who educate their children – and on and on. In 15 generations, a modest investment in one child’s education multiplies into 33,000* educated people (*based on two children per family). This compounding math snowballs forever. We call this charitable leverage.
Our programs work. In the three student examples below we have sown the seeds for an endless legacy of education.