Born in the barrios of Agua Prieta, México, Suecia grew up in our La Divina Providencia shelter for abandoned girls. Her home life was so deplorable that she turned inward and seldom spoke. However, she was a bright girl and it was soon recognized that with the right educational opportunities Suecia could escape her inherited cycle of poverty.
She was adopted by Rancho Feliz “Exchange Program” Coordinator, Alejandro Laureano and his wife Dina. Her private education was sponsored by “Guardian Warriors” Phil and Luann Williams. With this encouragement and support Suecia blossomed into a bright and outgoing young lady.
She attended the Universidad Instituto Tecnologico de Sonora at Obregon City. She graduated with a degree in Chemical Engineering in May 2016. She currently has a very successful career and helps give back to her community whenever she can.
According to Suecia, “Rancho Feliz was the best thing that has happened in my life. Thanks to this, I met the best people in the world. I always give thanks to you all for taking care of me and protecting me as never my real parents do. All of you will always be in my heart and I’ll always be here for you, giving my best so you will always be proud of me, so you are willing to help more people like me.
Thank you very much for all your support. I love you from the bottom of my heart.”