Amigos y Amigas,

We (brothers Gil & Troy Gillenwater, Kevin Johansen & Eric Brandenburg) have decided to shake up our comfortable lives & embark on our own “Extreme Sport/Extreme Karma” fundraising event.

Get this…

Our friend, Mike Hobin, is riding the entire continent of Africa from Cairo, Egypt to Cape Town, South Africa – 7,500 miles. Can you believe it? We will be joining Mike in Windhoek, Namibia and riding the final 1,200 miles into Cape Town – in 15 days.

Mike started riding on January 15, 2016, and we will join him on April 28th. Namibia has the largest sand dunes in the world and 30% of the roads will be paved. Now that’s an adventure.

Mike is a Rancho Feliz “Guardian Warrior” and he is raising money for Rancho Feliz. We want to do the same.

So please check out our posts and support our efforts with a donation. (Our shared goal is $50,000 and all donations go directly to the charity and not funding our trip.)

We are firm believers that in our relative existence, comfort zones are most often expanded through discomfort. And if occasionally we don’t ask ourselves,

“What in the ever loving world have I gotten myself into!”

We’re not doing it right.

Talk with you soon!

Gil, Troy, Kevin & Eric

April 21st, 2016

Posted In: Extreme Karma Event